Wednesday, February 2, 2011

DEAL OF THE DAY FOR 02/02/2010

As the snow inevitably melts and the rains set in, thrush often follows right along.

I've been darn lucky on my own farm. In the past 30 or so years I may have had 6 instances of it (by the grace of God...I HATE cleaning stalls and it shows). I think I still have my original bottle of Kopertox laying around somewhere.

However, the fact that so many companies keep adding thrush treatments to their product lines (sometimes just applying multiple labels to the same stuff to take advantage of brand recognition) seems to indicate that my run of good luck is the exception and not the rule.

So here is your DEAL OF THE DAY. Healtox is $9.95 a bottle ($3.00 off) TODAY ONLY.

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